A few changes…


I’m about to make a few changes to how I share weekly writings…but first, here’s a bit more about why I’m here:


Three years ago, I started writing nearly every night of the week. It was a personal challenge I set with one of my best friends and writing partner, Dane Johnson. The practice became one of the most meaningful experiences of my life and we continue it today.

Shortly after writing switched from a bet to a habit, I began publishing one of the more artful or helpful posts every Wednesday.

And with that, Wednesday Words was born.

At first, it was just a quiet space to share personal reflections as I worked with amazing people to build Experience Institute. Over time, Wednesday Words has grown to nearly 1,000 remarkable people from around the world, only by word of mouth.

Cool, but what is Wednesday Words about?

Each week, I share personal lessons and ideas around the Future of Learning & Work.

Since both of those topics are broad, it might be more helpful to know HOW I write. My commitment to you is to be:

  • Authentic. I share the personal side of things. It’s helpful to remember that learning and work intersect with our relationships, emotions, and overall well-being. As the team and I work together and with a wide array of individuals and organizations, I document stories that tie back to living a full life while pursuing great work.
  • Consistent. I’ll share a helpful and brief piece every Wednesday morning. Except for the month of December — I’ll explain more about that later. Sometimes, you’ll hear from other writers in Ei’s talented community. But in any case, you’ll hear from us only once a week.
  • Transparent. Experience Institute has been working in this space for four years. We’ve learned a lot and we’re always trying new experiments, collaborating with remarkable people, failing, and learning even more. Our hope is to share the ups & downs in a vulnerable way that would help you accelerate your own growth and development as an individual, team, or company.

Lastly, these pieces are meant to be helpful. Sometimes the lessons will come in story-form and other times they’ll be quick, memorable notes.

Here are a few examples of past Wednesday Words:

Try it again
Leaps & Loops
Let it Go
Beginning vs Starting

And now…

Starting today, I’m going to make a few small changes and invite a wider community to join in:

Here’s what’s changing:

  • You’ll be receiving emails directly from me (victor.saad@expinstitute.com). So when you reply, I’ll receive it and I’ll always work to reply to you.
  • I’m going to begin publishing these posts on Medium. There, you’ll be able to leave comments, make suggestions, and discuss your ideas with others in the community. At the end of every email, you’ll find a button where you can visit the article and chime in. But there’s never any pressure to do so.

If you’d like to receive these notes in your inbox, just click here: bit.ly/wednesdaywords. I’ll share the next Wednesday Words on May 3rd.

Wherever you are as you read this note, thanks for being a friend and sounding board along the way. And thanks for being someone interested in building better institutions, organizations, and companies. I’m excited to continue this journey with you.

From Chicago,