Everyone Makes


The red colon between the two numbers stared at me like two eyes disappointed in my decision.

The past few days have had my mind spinning faster than usual. I feel a sense of responsibility, belief, and excitement for what we’re building. There has been a greater need for writing, planning and strategizing. Yet, there has also been more of a need to be present with people – sharing the vision and inviting others into what we’re making. Full days are leading into nights full of scribbles and sticky notes and Google Docs.

Making anything is simultaneously awesome and unsettling. If what you’re making does well, you have to be prepared to manage expectations. If it doesn’t do well, you’ll have to regain trust and try again. If I’m being honest, I never really want to fail. I don’t think anyone does. But, as soon as I admit that, I realize I’ve become too nearsighted.

Empathy is the hero in the story of fearing failure.

When we thoughtfully consider the circumstances and needs of those around us, we realize that everyone is building something. It may not be a product or company, but they might be building a family, a career, a rhythm, or something of great value to them.

So, pursue your best work. Do it with all your might. At times, it will push you to your limits. It should.

But let those pushes and pursuits remind you that everyone is making something. It’s part of what connects all of us. Seeking to understand the journey of others is what will truly make your work good.