Make it good


Throughout the course of your life, you will spend a great amount of time working. The amount of time will range at various seasons, but for most people, much of life will be spent working on something and with people.

You have the option to let your work rule you or to rule your work. Your job is yours and no one else’s. It’s your time, your heart, your sweat. What you put in is what you will get out.

If you put in angry, disgruntled hours – that’s what you’ll receive.

If you overdo it and push yourself to the point of burnout, you’ll get burnt products and relationships.

If you exert little or unimaginative effort, do not expect exciting discoveries.

But, if you put in creativity, passion, diligence, thoughtfulness, and resilience, you will find yourself tired, but full of joy and excitement for what’s to come.

Work is what you make it. So, make it good.