I’m on a limb


I’m on a limb.

I wonder if it will hold me.

Sometimes I get scared.

The wind picks up. My balance teeters.

I hear noises. I wonder if my limb is cracking.

I think, “I should go back before I fall. I should go back to the thicker parts of the branch. I should climb down.”

Then I look up. I see the number of branches – an entire forrest. I see others on limbs and watch how gracefully they move and work together. Some even leap from one branch to another.

I see the horizon.

Soon, I forget I’m on a limb.

Then, I hear a small voice behind me, “Is it safe out there? Should I come.”

I reply, “It’s not safe. Step carefully. You’ll find your way. You’ll be glad you did.”

I’m on a limb.