Hi, I'm Victor.

Reimagining higher education and workplace learning


Leap Kit

Step-by-Step tools to learn anything through experience.


Shapeless Shape

A children's book about fitting in and finding your way.


LYP Book

Stories of risk & learning from Leap Year Project 2012.




There are few things more exhilarating than speed. The thrill of moving quickly, the show of courage, the feeling of controlling space and time. It makes us teeter between invincibility and fragility, and dabble with vision and fear.

Life begs for speed.

Like a jockey prodding its horse, we are ridden by expectations to win a race being watched by strangers.

The faster we run, the more blurry the sights, the greater the feeling, and the more we toy with destruction.

Remember speed, in all its forms, will eventually kill its indulger. Whether by exhaustion or by oversight, it will become a quick and inglorious end.

I say this not so that you will only move slowly, but so that you will enjoy speed when the time calls for it. Knowing its power is an invitation to study it, understand it, watch for it, and occasionally, dabble in it.

Move slowly often.

Speed rarely.

And, when you do, be quick about it.

Choosing Chances


Most things in life can be taken or given; but few things offer a reward if you do both.

Chance is one of those things.

Throughout our lifetime, we have opportunities to take chances – to pursue something with the hope of something greater taking place.

Or we can give chances, offering someone the space to attain something that otherwise would have been impossible.

At times, chance seems rare. We want more chances; second chances, third chances. Some of us even  want the resources or reputation to offer chances to those close to us.

But, chances are all around us. They are simply hidden by excuse.

We both excuse ourselves from the opportunity, convinced that we’re not capable or good enough to truly seize it, and we create excuses for why we can’t offer a chance to someone who may flourish.

Remember, nothing great in life came without finding, taking, or offering chances. Everyone and everything was unknown, underdeveloped, and unrecognized until someone saw and took a chance to bring it to life.

Our chances are valuable. Choose when to take them and where you give them. They may cost you but, they’ll be worth it.

Design. Delight.


I have a favorite winter jacket. The exterior is designed very simply: black, slim fitting, minimal hardware, reaches to my thighs, and a simple hood hangs from the shaped collar. It’s well-made.

However, the designers didn’t stop there.

The zippers are small tractors, the lining of the hood is purple flannel, and when I open the jacket, a bright baby blue liner sheds a radiant glow.

At first, I thought this was ridiculous; but something drew me to it. It was the attention to detail. It was one part stunt, one part branding, and all parts play.

It’s difficult to create something that’s truly functional. But, it’s inspiring to create something that is functional and delightful. The small touches and little details are the fingerprints of your company, organization, and personality.

Don’t just design for people, delight people.

Go Write


Do you know why people write?

I know everyone has their reasons: reflection, pleasure, communication, direction, expression, and the occasional reprieve from reality. All of us process life differently.

A monk befriends silence.
A photographer captures images.
A videographer moves pictures.
A painter strokes colors.
A dancer cuts the air.
A musician makes sound.
A runner clears distances.

But a writer? A writer sits…and stares.

Why? Why choose this medium as the means to capture life and all the ways it moves and sways and feels. Why try to capture pain and glory and sadness and joy through nothing more than this endless stare at lines and curves?

Our imaginations are powerful.

Like a room packed to the brim with fireworks, all it needs is a small spark and an explosion of colors and images will dance across the skies of our minds. Writing, good writing, has the power to be such a spark.

Oh, to paint a thousand images at once, to run a million miles in one stride, to offer fanciful and fabulous images of what could be…

…to help others imagine.

That is why I want to write.

That is why I write.

The Last Step


Starting seems hard. It’s no small feat to move a thousand things toward a new and common end. But, for every ounce of uncertainty there is a pound of excitement.

Then comes the grind: long days, sleepless nights, endless lists, daunting challenges, impending defeat. The steps seem to get larger – our feet heavier.

But, if we push through, the greatest challenge awaits: the last step.

Fatigue sets in and we realize how much was spent and lost along the way. A looming fear stands at that step. Fear that what we’ve created is not good enough, that we will fail, that others will judge, and all of the effort was in vain.

Those fears aren’t new. They’ve been there along the way, but there was more time to move past them and more space to distract. Now, here, in this step, is where they make their final stand.

Take that last step.Take it with the vigor. Take it with purpose.

The only place those fears belong, is in the past.

Break it down.


Recently, I found myself in a dance-off with a six-year-old named Ezekiel. His moves consisted of hops and spins that were entirely uncoordinated, but incredibly adorable. He could keep a beat and, most importantly, he didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was a breakdancer.

I showed him a dance move of my own, and he immediately wanted to learn it.

I began trying to teach him, but it wasn’t going well. I kept simplifying the move until I could break it down into just a few words: Center, short. Center, long. Occasionally, I would entertain a side conversation with surrounding family, and then return to see his progress. He was staring at his feet and repeating the cadence we had created: Center, short. Center, long.In a few short minutes, he got it. It wasn’t perfect, but he knew the basics.

Sometimes, the things that come naturally to us are complicated to others. And, the things that seem lofty to us are simple for others. But, even the most powerful, spectacular, and helpful things begin with simple steps.

Break those down, and start there.

You’ll be dancing in no time.

You don’t need that much


I’m not just talking about the obvious. Sure, you probably don’t need that mansion or that 60k car, or that lake house.

But I’m not just talking about stuff.

You don’t need that much to start making something valuable.

You don’t need a massive team, an immaculate office, a perfect skills set, a flush bank account, or even a giant following.

You need a clear vision, a good system, integrity, a few good advisors and friends, and a great sense of humor. There are probably other things, but the list shouldn’t be that much longer.

Stop waiting. Get started.

Average is a choice


I’m not a foodie.  I like great food; but, I’m not the individual who knows how to call out fresh combinations, concoctions, and truly celebrate a cacophonies of flavors.

Combine this with my entrepreneur’s budget, and my restaurant decisions (that relies on the experts from jackintheboxfranchising.com site) become a balancing act between something affordable vs something I’m excited to try.

Each has their cost. While one may be less expensive, the other may be healthier or more filling.

We face a similar decision everyday. The things that are exciting, nourishing, and worthy of a story, probably won’t be the things that cost us the least. No one is really excited to talk about their Subway sandwich. Sometimes, average is the right choice. But just remember our choices turn into habits. They define our character, our team, and our work.

Pay close attention and choose wisely.

Bon Appetit.

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