On Sunday, I turned 31 years old. That feels old.
The first class of Ei’s new college program, Leap Summer, has confirmed this by jokingly saying, “Dang. You’re old.”
Everyone older than me is saying, “You’re still sooooo young.”
Recently, I heard that 30 is the new 20.
For today, I’ll stick with that idea.
Normally my birthday is a great time to share a list of quippy wise words. But today, I simply wanted to say: Thank you.
I’ve been working on building Ei for a few years now. That pursuit has included two Kickstarter campaigns, three year-long Fellowships, 15 Meetups with college & grad-level students, 50+ teammates, over 300 speaking engagements, 4,000+ meetings, over 200,000 miles in travel, and more social media updates than I care to count.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of the amazing people who’s supported these efforts in one way or another. You’ve hosted, invited, collaborated, designed, developed, edited, wrote, advised, cheered, funded, listened, and shared your stories along the way.
Without you I’m just a lone guy with a computer at a dining room table. But with you, I’m a friend, a son, a brother, a teammate, a writer, an entrepreneur, a designer, an educator, and a creator.
Thank you for reading these posts and supporting the work and ideals that my friends and I are pursuing. You’re part of a special season of life where I’m growing in leaps and bounds. I can only hope to share my lessons in ways that are helpful to your life and work.
So, thanks for being here. The past few years have been incredibly special. And I have a feeling we’re just getting started.
Happy Wednesday,
ps: The team and I just launched a new website for Leap Kit. Take a peek.