You should quit


Yep, you read that right. You should stop right now.

Stop that new project, quit that new habit, and forget about achieving your new goal. At the end of the day, it isn’t worth it. Even if it does turn out well, no one will care. You probably won’t earn much more and the overall social gain will be minimal. In fact, people will just see how hard you work and demand more of you for less.

Quit while you’re ahead and just do the easiest thing to please yourself.

Find a quiet job that doesn’t ask too much, purchase whatever you want as often as you want, and do what makes you happy in any given moment. Doing hard things is overrated.

You should quit.

This will inevitably go through your mind at some point when you’re starting something meaningful or doing something worthwhile. You’re not alone. If you start hearing these thoughts, don’t quit. Not yet.

Never quit when you’re tired, alone, or down. These thoughts are just that…thoughts. They are as immaterial and fickle as the wind.

Decide now that you will only quit when you’re in sound mind and good company.

That’s the only time you should quit.